Ahmed Merzagui
Your Life is a Career
In 1999, a big chapter of Algeria’s history ended and another one started, the Dark Decade in its ultimate moments saw Bouteflika, a new president advent.
A large ditch was dug announcing a new generation considered prima facie as different, born starting late 1999.
Being part of the previous generation, considering both, mine and the new one, as Algeria’s youth, I believe that we are intrinsically and enormously different. Two generations so close by age yet so different in everything else.
The ditch between Us and Them is huge.
This project is a journey within and with this generation and mine.
An exploration of their feelings, their way of thinking and ours.
A reflection on the new arising Algerian identity.
A questioning about the assumption, comprehension and identification…
A look on the ditch, on the differences opposing them to the older generations.
A transposition of facts, connection to political events and future perspectives …
This project will be an immersion, seeking for answers, documenting a generation, a ditch and mainly exploring the aspects of “future” Algeria.